Why WikiLeaks is Right.

Today, I found out about WikiLeaks; and the more I learned about the subject, the more fired up about it I got.
First of all, I think there are a lot of brave people involved in this matter. They have released just a piece of truth. and that is the most important issue, here.
The information leaked was very impactful and very important to many, many people in this world. Some will question whether this should have come out. Some will most definitely condemn it. I, however, condone it; and I will tell you why.
Sometimes, in this world, we need a wake up call--a big one--to bring us back to life. We go day after day playing games and getting by, but we don't really live. Rarely, we get an opportunity to open out eyes and get a fresh start in our thinking. WikiLeaks is that kick into reality. Look at us, people. Look at who we've become. Look at what our country and leaders thereof have become. If we don't look at ourselves every once in a while, we will become monsters.
In a world as messed up as ours', truth is the most vital thing to keep above the surface. Truth is what is important to keep us going as people living in a civilized society. Truth is what will save us--not condemn us--in the end.
So, to all those men and women out there risking their jobs, their lives, and our lives, I salute you. I believe you have done the right thing in surfacing this information. I also thank you. You have done the right thing because you made me--just one person--think. You opened my eyes and made me passionate about something that is typically very obscure for me--politics. Hell, I've been shaking all morning from the ferocity of the impact it's had on me. I finally have a political opinion and this is it: seek truth always. Never trust what the media says initially. Always seek truth.

For further info on the subject, go to Google News and search 'WikiLeaks'. Here is a direct link.


  1. Well said.
    Couldn't agree more.
    The world needs WikiLeaks (accountability etc).
    Keep on blogging. =)


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