Songs That Enrich My Soul

Music is a huge part of my life. What I listen to translates deeper aspects of my self into something more understandable, more tangible for me. I also have musical preferences depending on my mood or what I’m trying to achieve mood-wise. This set of songs gives me a rush that I feel in every cell. Each song is like a shot of serotonin directly to the receptors.

The first song on this list is Florence and the Machine’s Dog Days Are Over. The beat of this song, along with Florence’s signature exhilarating voice, is infectious enough; but the lyrics describe that feeling when happiness and gratitude hit like a freight train from out of the blue. I only experience this occasionally without the help of music; however, this song is an inducer of this sensation. It’s a great reminder to leave the past in the past and to choose to be happy and content with the present moment.

Second on my list is The Beatles’ Here Comes The Sun. This song promotes general feelings of well-being, bringing back a little faith in humanity. For me, it brings images into my mind of waking to an eternal golden hour, pure sun rays infusing into happy, wind-stirred plants, and the voices and faces of my family singing along with shit-eating grins on their faces. This is certainly one of the theme songs of my happy place!

Third on my list is Queen’s Don’t Stop Me Now. Guys. This fucking song. My family has this thing with Queen, where one person will start a song and the rest of us must finish it enthusiastically (and goofily) together. This is one of our favorites, as it also has the effect of a few coffees’ worth of adrenaline. Whenever I’m feeling like a lazy piece of shit, a little depressed and undermotivated, I can always turn to this song to get me off my ass and moving toward a more productive day with a happier outlook toward my tasks.

Fourth is Muse’s Bliss. Another adrenaline-pumping song, listening to Bliss makes me think of all the friends I’ve made over the years and how much they’ve enriched my life. My friends fill my soul with so much light and love, I often feel unworthy of their attention and care. Even so, just thinking about the good times and heavy bonding moments I’ve had with them swells my heart and brings a smile to my face.

Fifth on my list is Puscifer’s Grand Canyon. This song is a musical treat! The beat does existential, tingly things to my brain that I have yet to comprehend, and the vocal melodies create an expansive, abundant feeling. This song grounds me, tapping me back into mother nature, and filling me with gratitude for the planet on which I was born. To me, this song is a hymn for my church that is nature, in all its awe-inspiring magick. The song ends with the lyrics, “Hope as far as one can see,” which is a concept I keep in my heart: nature’s resilience reflecting human resilience. We will bounce back with the right amount of hope, love, and sunshine.

Finally, sixth is Radiohead’s The Numbers. This song has a similar message to Grand Canyon; but it has more of the feel of a relaxed Sunday afternoon jam session. The blending guitars with Thom Yorke’s voice is soothing and mesmerizing as he reminds us that the people have all the power we need to overcome all evils that we have allowed to permeate into our lives. Whenever this song is on, I lay back, close my eyes, and let the song push me in its warm current. “One day at a time,” we will find our way back to a world we can take pride in.

This concludes my short list of soul-enriching songs. I hope you enjoyed the little golden drops of happiness I send rippling through the dark pond that is my depression. I will be compiling a Drops Of Happiness playlist on my youtube channel that includes these songs and more. See you next week!


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