A Lazy/Busy Week

Hi, all!

I haven’t had the chance to write something this week due to various pressing issues I needed to take care of throughout the week: my love’s birthday celebrations, car registration, spring cleaning…you know, various levels of adulting and all that. It’s been cold and rainy here all week, so any opportunity to get outside and work on the yard has been taken, as well. Probably the biggest issue that’s been on my mind, though, has been the weighing of options between jobs and school. I’ve been cruising online for decent job opportunities, hoping to find a good match that’ll pay well but will also provide flexible enough hours for me to finish schooling…and then there’s the challenge of motivating myself to get back into my schoolwork. I’ve been either busy, sick, or lazy the past few months; now that I’m neither busy nor sick, it’s proving difficult to get past my laziness.

Anyway, I’ll have something more prepared for you next week, when my head isn’t everywhere at once. I thank you for your patience and hope you have a wonderful week!


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