The ones who meant the most

I tried to go to bed, but my head was still spinning with thoughts. I'm going to try to spit some of those out here to see if I can't relieve some of that stress.

I absolutely love my Fear family. I've enjoyed getting to know them throughout the season and am happy that I get to spend a bit more time with them before the season's up. The one regrettable part of socializing within a haunt is the amount of emotional trauma that can come with it. There's a lot of drama within the dramatic, and haunters are professionals at creating drama.

Here are a few observations I've made.

I used to get caught up in drama a lot. I loved the gossip and thrilling developments and the who offended who of it all. Lately, though, I've been trying to see the purest parts of everyone around me. What makes every individual surrounding me in this freak show a beautiful little piece of light that the universe would miss sorely if it were to burn out? Honestly, it's a much better game to play than the who's-going-to-offend-me-the-most-today game.

Once I started seeing the beautiful or innocent or vulnerable parts of those around me in their actions, motives, and words, my love for them only grew further because I realized that they really are just like me. They all cry or act irrationally when they get hurt. They all laugh as frequently as possible because they don't know when the next good laugh will be, and they'll miss that relief until next time. Most of all, they all love feeling a connection with everyone around them; and when they love, they love deeply, dangerously.

Finding a grip for what I am and what people around me are has come as a comfort whenever drama has open fired around me. This is mostly because I can see why they're doing what they're doing, which makes me less likely to retaliate negatively...unless they truly are being evil, though that's rare.

Maybe it's the lateness of the hour, I don't know, but it's incredible what people hold in them--the wide range of emotion and what they do with it on a daily basis. To me, it's like art in motion. All of these different people with different back stories feeling things in their own unique little ways. It's fascinating and comforting.

Well, that's the end of my weird rant. I don't know if it made sense. Writing it was kind of like trying to grip water before throwing it at a wall. Nearly impossible; but if you cup it just so, you can get a good amount out there. I may be going crazy.


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