Laughing like children

It's a lazy Sunday at the Tefft house, today. My aunt is playing an 'oldies' station upstairs, and it's really taking me back to my childhood. I guess in my heavily fatigued state, my mind is easily swayed in time. Right now, Elton John's 'I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues' is playing, and it took me straight back to when we were still living on the Air Force base and it was spring. I was still pretty young then (under 6 years old), but I remember the sunlight and the still-cool breeze moving through the open windows.

When I was a kid, early mornings seemed so peaceful. The way the music from the radio echoed in our small house during the stillness of that early hour was a bit magical. I cling to the memory of that quite fiercely whenever it strikes me because it takes me back to a time when things were so much simpler--for everyone, not just me. Back then, I danced ballet in my own clumsy, awkward manner; but I didn't care about what my body looked like while I danced. I just enjoyed the movements of ballet. Now, I would be too embarrassed to even think about entering another ballet studio. It's a pity.

Mtn. Home Air Force Base was such a great place to be a kid. We lived on a cul-de-sac that I rode my bike around frequently, and then there were surrounding cul-de-sacs where friends lived and where I would go trick or treating on Halloween. We had a huge playground across the street from our neighborhood that indulged my independent spirit by allowing me to have some distance from my parents, while they could still keep an eye on me. And then I had my first best friend ever, who I still think about from time to time. I haven't heard from him for a few years, now; but those memories make me miss him.

But it was always the music. My parents taught me young to appreciate music in all its forms. So, now, music is the most powerful thing for me. It takes me back in time and helps me escape any current problems I'm facing. It helps me remember how much good and beauty there is in the world. I'm pretty sure I'd be in a straight jacket, by now, if there wasn't music to be listened to.

Oh, man, they need to invent time machines...


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