That's me in the corner

I want to take this opportunity to talk about my current views on religion and what it really is.

Religion is man made. And any higher power that people believe in is man made, as well. Those things were made in order to give a sense of order and hope in a person's life. It is meant to give drive where there normally wouldn't be one. It's also there to help focus a power we have in ourselves that sometimes we don't like to think we have. Faith is another word for that focus--it's the word we give to the idea of putting trust in some higher power; when, really, it's just us working harder toward that goal. This is why people think they lack faith when something doesn't happen after they've prayed. This is why religions will tell you that you must take action in order for your prayers to work.

It's all us. We're lonely in the universe, but that's ok. There's no point in getting upset at something that's been a fact since the beginning of time.

We're lucky, lucky coincidences who happen to have a power that we don't fully know about or are too scared to use it. The god that's in our minds is the thing that gives us the will to stand up and have the courage to do things we normally wouldn't. If you peel back the idea of a god and realize it's just you performing your own little miracles, you'll find fear doubled with awe. Because, now, you don't have to rely on anything: you just go and do with that same "faith" that you used before...but now, you're the one in control.

I'm not saying, "Give up your religion." I'm saying that there is something more inside of you than you give yourself credit for. There are religions all over the world and millions of people who follow them. That's because it does give a person a sense of moral direction in life. I'm not someone who can appreciate being part of an institution like that. I dabble in a few religions, but I keep focused on what's really going on. I face the fear that it really is me who's doing all the work; and I know that all I have to do is just choose a direction and start walking and I'll get somewhere in life. That's my number one problem, though: which direction do I walk? What do I focus that incredible energy on?


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