Don't run away, it's only me

He inched closer to the dark curtain. The grumbling within the room that lay behind the curtain was disturbing, even a bit scary. He had been here many times; but never had the house been in such disarray. Something horrible had happened here. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to find out what that horrible thing was.

Another sharp growl led into a quiet, desperate hiss behind the curtain. The creature who lived in this house was typically very hospitable; he had a feeling he had caught her on a bad day.

His hand shook as he placed it gently on the curtain, slowly drawing it back to reveal the dark cave of a room beyond it. From the dusty light of the basement, all he could see of the room were two blood-shot eyes staring dazedly back at him. He wasn’t sure if he was going to be attacked or ignored. He knew she was thirsty—thirsty to the point of desperation. He stood very still.

Yet another hiss curled from her throat, this time sounding like a word—a pleading request. Having recognized the word, he stepped forward gingerly and proceeded to turn the light on.

“Do you really have to drink Pepsi?” he asked, a tad bit sarcastic.

“To Survive, I must…” she hissed back.


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