I see a bad moon arising.

I was having a conversation on facebook earlier that was related to the fact that the world is fighting over religion right now. And it's sad, but it's true. I think it's odd that religions are supposed to bring peace; but right now, they're causing such rifts between their people--or rather, the people are allowing such rifts to occur--that there are wars being fought over them. People are dying for the sake of religion. Doesn't that seem a little backwards to you?
I'm not the most peaceful person. I know that. I hate on men a lot, but that doesn't mean I hate them. I don't hate anybody because I know that's counterproductive to my health. Why do people think that hate will bring justification to their actions? All hate is is thinly veiled ignorance, lack of open-mindedness, and a misunderstanding of what it means to love.
Our country is said to be predominately Christian. So why are there so many Christians who act like demons to people who don't belong to their religion? Didn't Christ teach that it doesn't matter who you are, you're still loved by God? Whoever God is? Didn't Christ help both those who believed as he did as well as those who didn't? If you're calling yourself a Christian, maybe you should rethink what Christ was trying to teach you and actually look at the people around you as he did because all this hate is what's bringing this country down. Because, in fact, it's not lack of funds or anything else that's really hurting our country: it's our hate. It's our hate toward the entire world and toward each other that's creating our downfall and eventually our destruction if we don't do something about it on time.
This may seem over-simplified at first, but if you really think about what's going on around us and how everyone's treating everyone else; you'll see that I'm right. We can all make a difference one person at a time. You just have to take the leap: be willing to love, help, strengthen, and lift those around you because when you do those things for others, you do those things for yourself. It'll cause a ripple effect that could possibly extend everywhere...if you only take that one big leap. It's a sacrifice these days. Loving people is a sacrifice. Another backward fact, but another that's true. Begin with your friends and family, then start extending it to so-called enemies and strangers. When a little sunshine starts cracking through this darkness, more will start to follow; and maybe, we'll finally be happy enough with each other to pull ourselves out of this deep hole that we've dug ourselves into.


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