You are beautiful!

At the beginning of this month, I had a lot of down time because I was unemployed. During that time, I slowly began to dislike myself and lose confidence. I wouldn't say I was depressed, just not right. It wasn't good, regardless, because it affected everything I did and how I interacted with people. I became this timid mouse of a woman who stayed in her hole and only crawled out when hungry (though I did have a fairly impressive chocolate stash).
But, then, I got a job. I started it a week ago, which makes me feel a lot better about myself and my money situation. But I still haven't been content to look in the mirror and smile. I still didn't like myself--felt disgusted and lazy. It was because I've been coasting. It's been either work or home, and while at home, I've just been hanging out on my bed dicking around on my computer. This does not promote emotional well-being.
I have a pointer on how to give yourself confidence, even if it's just in yourself: take care of yourself. I finally got off my ass this morning and did some Zumba. It burned like a mother, but it felt fantastic. And then I took a nice long shower afterward, using only feminine scents (I usually use male body wash because I like the scent). And then, after the shower, I took my time taking care of my face and hair, putting perfume and lotion on my body. After I was done, I felt amazing! Like I could conquer the entire male population of the Salt Lake City area!
But all that wasn't for them. I'm sitting here, alone, in my room. But I still feel excellent about myself. I actually took care of myself physically, for once, and that made all the difference to me emotionally--even if I don't have a guy right here appreciating my good smell and hard abs. No, those things are all for me. I love this body, and I love this face. It feels so good to do so.


  1. Salt Lake City was recently named the Gayest City in America. That said, I bet you COULD conquer the entire male population thereof.

  2. Dammit. Thanks, though, you just created a fantastic giggle fit. :)

  3. It wasn't voted Gayest city due to how many homosexuals there are, so I think you have lots to conquer, and more than likely a good chance of it too!


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