There's a party in the USA

I've never listened to a State of the Union Address as avidly as I did tonight. I've never really been politically minded. I've always thought it all went over my head. But, now, it's personal. Now, I find myself in the generation who is going to be either the redemption or the ruin of American society as we know it. This is the generation that relies on calculators, computers, and phones to do their math, and Microsoft Word and auto correct to spell simple words--most of us don't know the meanings of the bigger words we use; they're just cliches we're used to hearing, and we don't bother trying to understand them.
It's a sad situation: knowing that we're the ones on whom the future relies. Some people say that we can only blame ourselves, but I hardly believe that to be true. There's something we're missing inside: something we should have been taught, but weren't.
Obama mentioned many things that could help our country if we allow it--if we take full advantage of the opportunities he's giving us. The problem is, we're too busy taking advantage of the government--leeching off of it, even--to turn around and see that the President of the United States is actually trying to help us. We point fingers in his direction, asking accusatory questions about why he's not fixing things and why he's not making life easier for us.
But that's just the thing, isn't it? We're always looking for a new easy out. Who ever decided that life should be easy? And why did they spread this logic around? Life is about working for something you're passionate about. It's about love and dreams and ambition. But we lose sight of that when we find it's simply easier to get welfare and watch the TV all day. Next thing we know, everyone's sitting in front of the TV all day with a welfare check in hand that they're too lazy to go cash at the local Walmart.
And then we wonder why our economy is in the toilet. Sure, we can point fingers at the greedy assholes at the top of the financial food chain who never seem to care that people--read: children--starve every day in the US because of lack of funds. But that wouldn't be quite fair, would it? Because, in the end, we're not Republicans and we're not Democrats. In the end, we're human, there's something that humans do best: work.
It may not be the answer you wanted, but this is it. Work. No one is motivated to work, anymore. Where has our motivation to live gone? Where has our motivation to chase a dream gone? Are we really that depressing of a society that we feel the need to simply give up and consume our minds away until we die? Because that's where this is going. Why do you think depression is so prominent, anymore? It's because when there's no work ethic, there's no motivation; and when there's no motivation, there's stagnancy. And when someone is stagnant enough, their human brain goes a little nuts and gets sad.
In order to find our richer, happier future, we need to look deeper into ourselves. We need to learn that pulling our own weight is the most important thing this economy needs. Sure, one person changing his or her mind and deciding to get out there and work isn't going to do much. But one thousand, or even one million, individuals making that decision--that's something.


  1. In my head, the entire Congress just gave you a standing ovation.

  2. If only they could read it. Maybe they would. Or maybe the Republicans would all sit, stony in their seats, and shake their heads like they did tonight.


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