Ah, you know.

So, I guess I'll share a couple of final criticisms of BYU-Idaho before I leave this place for good (and I haven't blogged in ages). Two topics: professors getting personally offended when you miss too many classes and skinny jeans.

Ok, so, about halfway through the semester, I had one teacher pretty much throw a fit via email in my direction because I had skipped his class one too many times. And now, I have another professor who loves to either stare me down or act like I don't exist when I do actually go to class. Listen, people: I'm an adult. We're all adults. I'm accountable for my grade, so I should have a say how often I choose to go to class. It definitely shouldn't be required by the school that I be there every single time. That's ridiculous. I feel like I'm still living with my mother, and she's still succeeding in giving me huge guilt trips--I've had enough!

Also--there's this huge deal about skinny jeans around campus. Any other college campus, you would hear nothing about this sort of thing. But, no, on the freaking BYU-Idaho campus, it's a damn controversy! This is a topic--another topic--that really comes down to choice: if I choose to wear skinny jeans, then that's my choice. And if you choose to be offended by it, then that's your choice (and not my problem in the slightest). Seriously, sometimes these people act like it's the end of the world when all control starts slipping out of their hands. If it's so constantly slipping out of your hands, perhaps you should stop attempting to play God and allow us mortals to live our lives as we please.

Ok, so I had a third topic I wanted to cover, as well: I'm now a world traveler! It's official! Before this semester, I had never been out of the country (the USA). A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to chill out in London for a week, which was absolute bliss. I actually kind of dislike the US, now that I've seen another place. I can't wait to see more of the world, as that's my plan.


  1. Amen on the skinny jeans! Something they don't teach you in the modesty lessons at church is that the same thing can be modest or immodest on different people. The pants I'm wearing now are best described as "skinny jeans," but they're not too tight on me. The key to modesty is actually wearing clothes that fit, you know? And if one girl's standard of modesty is okay by the school but not her classmates, that's just too bad for them.


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