You Got to be a Woman

Just a second ago, I was standing at the front of my apartment, looking out at all the girls going to and from campus. It made me think of girls and how we are as our gender. We all have to feel beautiful every now and then. That one of the most basic things that girls need to be able to move forward in life: just to feel beautiful. I know from personal experience that it's hard to have confidence when I feel ugly on a particular day--I have a hard time being happy.
Another thing girls need is the feeling of belonging. I never really thought I needed this, but now that I'm living with my sister; I've realized that I do indeed need that feeling of belonging to be truly happy with myself. It's an odd concept--girls have to be accepted in order to be happy--but it's true. A girl who is alone all the time is not a happy one, no matter what she says. For some reason, we need the company of others.
Yet another thing that girls need from time to time is a random--impromptu--dance party. It brings out the estrogen or something to just let loose on some Abba or Spice Girls. I don't know what it is about it. I once lived in an apartment with 5 other girls, and we had impromptu dance parties all the time. It was something we just had to do. I do that with my sister, every once in a while (rarely, sadly).
One more thing us girls need: chocolate. For me, it's usually solid Ghirardelli or Dove chocolate that does it. But, it's different for every girl: some girls need it in any form, some girls need it with peanut butter, some girls just want it with milk.
We girls are odd creatures. Most of the time, I regret that I am of the female gender; but every now and then, like today, I feel grateful to be the woman I am.


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