Come on, bartender. Won't you be more tender?

I recently learned that I'm going to have to show more patience toward love. For the first time in my life, I was dumped---hard core: I didn't see it coming, I was still very invested in the relationship, and he suddenly felt like I needed to be "just a friend" (*cough*bullshit*cough*). I've been so completely disoriented from this experience that I've had a hard time wrapping my brain around it. How could he be gone? How could he just leave me in the dust like that? Why do I still have these occasionally overwhelming feelings in his direction? Ugh.
So, what have I done to cope? I've made it a point to completely erase the man from my life. I only knew him for about 3-4 months at the max and our relationship didn't even last a full month. Therefore, I feel justified erasing him fully from my life. Why do I do this rather than befriend him like I have every other ex-boyfriend? Because I'm still invested emotionally in him. I can't just suddenly look at him with friendly eyes. I still want to put my arms around him, squeeze him, kiss him, enjoy his scent. It's not fair at all to me to have to pretend I don't want to do these things while hanging out with him. So the alternative is acting like I never knew him, never met him, and never made out with him. Sucks, I know.
I guess, now I understand guys feel when a girl breaks up with them "out of the blue". I know how Robert felt. I've been asking the same questions over and over in my mind: asking myself what I did to turn him off from me, how I ruined it, or how I ruined him. I can't cry, either. I cried last night, but only because it was provoked by Finding Neverland (damn you and your sadness). I still don't understand and I don't expect to ever understand. All I know is that its time to forget about him and move on to the next victim--as we always do.
So, tell me, is it wrong that I've erased him from my life? Is it immature to never want to speak to him and see him again?


  1. Yes to both questions?! Damnit. I suck at life..

  2. Honestly, that's how I felt about my ex-fiancee. After about a year and a half I talked to her for the first time and it helped soothe the past. This may not be as serious but it's always good to go back and try to correct harsh feelings. Good for the soul.

  3. Hmm, ok. I'll go back eventually. After I've fully gotten over him. Right now it's know, painful and stuff.


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