So white as snow

Last night, I had a dream that I got up and starting writing a very interesting, very deep blog. I don't remember a single word of it, which was very disappointing when I woke up. I wanted to share it.
Instead, I decided to try and convey how it feels for me to listen to music. Music is the most magical experience in my life. I think it's because my parents have always listened to music--they went to a Journey concert while I was in the womb. You can probably guess that I feel a deep tie to Journey. Steve Perry's voice is something else: it can easily put me to sleep and not in a bad way.
Music has always been my escape from a world that seemed dark. It was Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, Maroon 5, Panic! At The Disco, System of a Down, and Yellowcard that got me through the depression/suicidal years of my life. Nothing and no one else could have done that for me--not even that damn shrink my parents sent me to. Ha.
When I listen to a song that holds memory for me or is just very well-done, I am left speechless. I have to just sit there and let the wave of emotion take me. My stomach feels weird and my chest feels like it's glowing. My head swims. Music puts me places I've never been. Music gives me experiences I will never have. Music brings me sanity, but insanity, all at once.
Live music is even better. I miss all the live shows they used to have here in Rexburg. Now, I have to go to Salt Lake for anything remotely good. With live music, though, it's not just sound: there are the lights, the body language of the band members (absolute favorite, so far, is the lead of Neon Trees), how the band interacts with the audience, and my favorite--pyrotechnics! Ok, I lie. My favorite part is the feel of the bass line and the bass drum against my chest. The pounding in my head from the singer and lead guitar. Ah, it's all good. Often times, at concerts, I like to just close my eyes and take everything around me in: the smells, the sounds, the sensations, the lights against my eyelids.
Now, I suppose it's understood a little better why I want to be a music journalist. I wish for a life of magic. Magical enjoyment.


  1. This is awesome. Very awesome. I could comment with all my agreements but I'll just leave it with this. You rock.


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