Happy Valentine's Day!!

My Valentine's Day celebration was quite eventful this year. Brandt took me around IF to a few different places for fun; but the most excitement was at the very end of the date. We were driving back to where we had met and left my car, when his GPS decided to crap out and tell us to go down a road that was closed. Therefore, he kept driving and let the GPS recalculate a new route to Walmart (where my car was); but what it really did was send us into a random, snow-filled field in which we got horribly stuck.
We tried our best to get it out by ourselves; but no matter how hard he pushed, the car wouldn't budge. Therefore, we ended up walking to a nearby apartment complex, where we knocked on doors to find someone who would help. The first door we knocked on owned a big fat truck and was willing to help us, but didn't have a chain to pull us with. So, we knocked on some more doors. Most didn't have a chain, but looked sympathetic at us. One finally did have a chain and let us take it for a few minutes.
So we went back out into the field and were busy hooking the car and truck up when one of the guys from the complex that we had talked to came walking through the field in his pajamas to see if he could help in any way.
At that point, I realized how generous people can be when they see one of their fellows in a tough spot. Sure, most of the time, we're gruff and awkward around strangers; but for some reason, when someone is faced with something we know we can help with, all the strangeness is forgotten and we step forward to offer our hands and hearts. I appreciate this attitude; but frankly, I find it a little backward. I'm not saying, "Never help someone in need," I'm saying, "Why not help your loved ones as well? It's so much more easy and convenient on a daily basis."
Yet, is this somehow harder for us: taking care of those around us daily rather than just the occasional act of service to a stranger. I'm not saying that I'm good at this, either. The happenings of last night just made me think a little harder about this type of thing.
I truly appreciate the angels who helped us out of our rut last night, despite the late hour (it was around 10-10:30pm while we were knocking on doors). I feel that we were truly blessed by finding such accommodating people in our time of need. God bless.


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