Where at least I know I'm free

America is filled with stubborn assholes. It's so bad that I could even say that America is one big stubborn asshole with millions of faces. You like the image? Have I gotten your attention? If not, stay tuned; and who knows, you may get to indulge in one of your favorite pastimes, as I will probably say at least one offensive statement.
Today's shooting got me all fired up. It seems almost casual, now, to hear of another public shooting in the news. It's at least casual enough that I can just say the word 'shooting' and you know exactly what I'm talking about. Ok. So, after every shooting, people tend to hardly take a breath to grieve for their fallen fellow Americans before pointing fingers at each other. The argument is always gun control, and the matter is never settled because we forget about it after a couple of days until the next shooting.
I am sick of you whiny bitches in both parties. We are a big, great, freedom-loving country. We're supposed to be proud to be American! We're supposed to 'thank our lucky stars' that we get to be a part of a democratic society! But look where we are: not a single decision or form of change is ever created because no one can agree or even compromise with each other. And then we sit around and wonder what the fuck is going on in our country when someone bombs a marathon or shoots up an elementary school.
Listen to me, you stupid Democrats and you stupid Republicans. If we're going to make it through our lives without suffering further self-induced trauma, both parties are going to have to bend at least a little. We're all human. We all love our families and friends. We all value our own lives. So why in the ever-living hell would you decide that your opinion and pride is more important than coming to a decision for our country that may very well save lives? Put your barriers down for a few minutes and look at yourselves. Look at each other. Know that everyone just wants the best for those they love. That is the basic need in all these arguments and fights we have with one another.
Aren't we supposed to be a peace-loving nation? Because I sure don't feel any peace whenever I think about politics or the state that our society and economy is in. Hell, I want to get out. I'd love to move out of the country just to get away from a bunch of stubborn assholes.
Just think about this. Stop deciding to be offended over everything everyone says. Stop competing to be the biggest victim in the country. No one fucking cares. Just get your shit together and start working together as the democratic society that we're supposed to be.


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