So close, so far

My boyfriend's mom is apparently very concerned about whether I like her--or, rather, whether I hate her. I can understand the cause for worry. I'm not very personable. I'm generally not a cheerful person. So, when I'm myself around people, I can see when they would start to wonder whether I even like them. I'm very reserved when it comes to showing admiration of any kind--I think anyone who knows me knows that.

While it's flattering that she worries about my approval and whether she has it, I also think that it's not that big of a deal. Just because I'm dating your son and love him very much does not mean I'm going to be your bestis friend ever. It doesn't necessarily mean I'm going to even like you. There are often large ranges in personalities within a family. So, don't get offended if I want to spend time with your son but not with you.

Another factor to consider in this is my consistent adverse reaction to authority as a whole. If I view you as an authority figure, I'm most likely going to steer clear of you because I don't like to feel controlled, even if it's my boyfriend you're potentially controlling and not me. I don't like hanging out around my friends' and boyfriend's parents because of this fact about myself. Something inside of me feels caged when I'm around someone who frequently busts other people for trivial things (most things that parents bust you for are incredibly, painfully trivial, by the way).

After reading all of this, you're probably thinking that I do, in fact, hate my boyfriend's mother. In truth, I love her. I think she's an awesome person--a very loving, concerned parent who wants to know that her babies are safe and happy. I just happen to have a few differences in opinion when it comes to my relationship with my boyfriend versus my relationship with my boyfriend's family.

The reason I put this out in public is because I bet there are a lot of people out there who have been or are currently in this situation. I'm looking to provide a different outlook (whether it's a selfish outlook or not) on the situation. I hope I've helped...if not, I hope I've at least entertained.


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