You let me desecrate you.

A collection of thoughts have been sitting in the back of my mind for a little while. I suppose today is as good as any other to spit them out on text. It may still be a bit garbled.

So, it's always said that this is a man's world; therefore, women are doomed to remain in a man's shadow. That has to do with inequality in the workplace, but I think it also has to do with life in general. It's a generality that's been allowed to be thought for a long time. Frankly, I think it isn't true, though. Or I think it's true only because of the fear that men have if women were ever brought to power--to their full potential.

The value of a woman is great, really.

You never hear about a girl staying with a guy she so desperately wanted and finally got. She typically eventually moves on because she realizes he wasn't right from the beginning, which is why it took so much effort to get him. But when you hear about a guy working hard to get a girl, it's really something. Because men are known for only single-minded passion (sure, there are the players...I'm talking about the ones who are looking to commit). They're not scatter-brained like women--they're not multi-taskers. When they see something they really want, it's that something that they're going to fight for tooth and nail until they've proven themselves worthy of their muse.

It's the value of a woman! It's the differences in sexual drive. Men are more willing to spread their seed everywhere because there isn't much consequence for them. But, for women, the drive to find a partner is quite an ordeal because taking in that seed is so much more of a sacrifice. They need it to be worth it to them. So, women are generally more picky about those they date. And this is why they're so hard to catch. This is why worthiness--in a form--has to be proven. Because not just any seed thrower will be allowed into the physical and emotional web that is a woman. It's only the one who is willing to fight for her.

It's frustrating and sweet all at the same time. I just needed to put that out there.


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