I'm only happy when it rains

I don't think student loan bill collectors understand. Yesterday, I got a bill saying that I owed $500 and bad, bad me was in the negative. And, again, I had to call and get a deferment. Why? Because I'm broke! I'm broke just like every other recent graduate these days. Only the lucky ones actually get jobs in their fields. And then, below the lucky ones, we have those who were smart with where they applied and got jobs that might pay those behemoth bills.
But, with me, no such luck. I've been caught in low-paying, dead end job after another since college...working my ass off full time. It never seems to be enough, though. The paycheck never equals the effort I've put into my life for those two weeks. And it's not like I've tried finding higher-paying jobs. I don't know what it is...my resume, my appearance, any lack of enthusiasm that I don't see in myself? No idea; but I've never gotten a call back from any of the types of jobs that would actually pay me well enough to both feed me/pay for rent AND pay my student loans off.
And, see, I'd love to be able to pay. Trust me, it would be a huge weight of my shoulders every month to be able to give the government a bit more of their money back. But I can't. I'm too poor.

Tell you what, government. If you want to be paid back so damn badly, provide me with a job that will actually help me do that. I'm willing to work! And I'm willing to learn new things! Nobody's interested in giving an inexperienced person a chance, though. What am I supposed to do once I'm backed into such a tight corner that I can't breathe anymore? Go to jail? Put a bullet through my head? What do you want from me?!


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