Of love and infatuation.

I have a thought and a question. The spark of interest came from watching the movie Cloud Atlas--watching all the connections, all the love and loss. I used to believe whole-heartedly that there was a love out there that could take my breath away, make it so I couldn't sleep for days, hardly eat at all, never stop dreaming even in waking. It's the love that poets talk about, and it's love that movies are well-known for. I've come to believe that that type of love is simply infatuation. It's true...but, even then, I've never felt something that explosive. Sure, I've gotten that feeling of vertigo at the thought of a guy; and I've thought for hours about a guy. I've never been completely taken by a guy, though--never been so deep in it that it felt it would never end. I always see an end.
So, my question is: Is there a love out there like that? Has anyone ever experienced that outside of literature and movies? Or is that type of love only for literature and movies--an exaggerated reminder that no one around us is up to par? And is it naive of me to keep that spark of hope, however buried it is, alive and well that there is that type of love out there for me?


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