As a child of 25.

I'm so excited, right now. I draw a lot of inspiration from movies, as you may have observed; but I just watched a movie that's reflected the things I've been writing about for a while...and it was done with zombies! Warm Bodies, everyone! It's an excellent movie and a fun love story. Most of all, though, it had an incredible message to send out.
I tend to interpret movies like I interpret my dreams: I watch what's going on and feel the emotions, but then I examine those emotions and why I've been brought to that particular emotion. Warm Bodies made me feel elated, relieved. It gave me hope that there are people out there who think like I do--not saying I'm completely original, I just don't hear my opinion echoed very often. Now, to the exact point: love can change anything as long as you allow it to.
In the movie, there are zombies and there are humans (and bonies, but those aren't important to my point). In reality, both humans and zombies are really the same because the zombies are actually the outer appearance of what the humans are like on the inside. They're like we all are on the inside. Without love--without human connection--we're only mindless things driven toward the most basic needs in life. When passion is introduced, there's growth and learning. There's also appreciating and sympathizing. We aren't anything special without that mental capability to reach out and speak to someone and get to know them. And, in this age when technology is pretty much ruling over everyone, we're slightly degrading back into introverted, unsympathetic things.
Perhaps this is something that the movie communicated only to me, but I do think it's worth thinking about. Face to face contact with anyone--family, friends, significant others, acquaintances--is so much better than an emotionless text. This is the part where I start feeling guilty about only texting my dad and sister on their birthdays...


  1. This is an original film that both entertains and thrills with one of the best zombie ideas in recent memory, and I think this film shows the beginning of a good year in movies for 2013, even if the first couple of weeks have been rather lackluster so far. Good review.

  2. It really was a new way to look at zombies--another reason why I really loved it. The writer was really smart to take it from that angle, or it would have been just another zombie movie. I do hope that it shows how good the year of movies is going to be, though I have a bit of doubt. This one has really stood out to me. Thanks for reading!


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