
Ever thought about it? This life that I lead. The lives that we all lead. We all believe that we're doing our best to come to some sort of important end that never actually comes. We never see the success of what we want. Our dreams are all frantic lies that we tell ourselves in order to get by from day to day in order to avoid the truth that this life holds for us. That truth is that we are nothing. Every single one of us will eventually die and decay. A soon forgotten history will be made with only those who were corrupt enough to make it in those books to keep track of what is really, in the end, nothing.
We all think that this is all very important. Our jobs are important. Our families are important. Jobs are held to keep money in the bank...money that gets spent on stupid things like technology, food, medicine, entertainment. All things that will not matter once we've died. We're only really here to keep industries alive--feed the ever-living beast that is our falling economy. We're always held suspended in worry that we won't make deadlines, bill payments, dates. Everything made to distract us--either distracting ourselves or us being distracted by others.
And then there are those women--I say women because they are the most frequent visitors of this illusion--constantly seeking the love of somebody, anybody. Why would you love? Love is just there to allow the indulgence of human creation. In other words, it's bullshit. But it occupies our minds day and night. It's a drive that is exhausting. It's another distraction--a painful one, at that. It's beautiful and evil at the same time.
And we never succeed. There's never success. Because we are nothing. We are just specks on this disgusting planet. We are eating and pooping, bleeding and medicating, earning and spending. All for naught. It's all pretty ridiculous, if you think about it. Our expectations, feeling like we deserve one thing or another. We're the dirt of the earth, why should we feel entitled in any way?

Have a great Saturday.


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