Oh, baby. Oh, baby.

I spend most of my time watching movies and TV these days, seeing as I've built a fort right next to the TV and have subscribed to Netflix. All these movies that I've watched naturally involve people and their relationships with other people. I've watched a couple of particularly depressing movies involving parents losing all of their children at once, while being left behind to deal with the crushing sorrow.
These movies make me think of how pissed I would be if my kids died--my kids, you know, the things I went into labor with and spent night after night being overly tired and trying to continue to be loving while my patience waned. Yeah, those. I would be so incredibly pissed if something in the universe took them all from me in one go. Yeah, I'd be sad, too, but mainly pissed. This is mainly because, at that point, I would have gone through years and years of work toward these people's lives. I will have spent a countless amount of money on these children. If they all died, all that would have been a waste. I would have wasted all those years and all that money because there is now nothing to show for all that effort I put in.
But, in this world, it's so much of a risk. Humans die so easily. We get sick. We do hella dumb things. We have accidents. We're so quick to give it up and die at the first opportunity--not even thinking of our mothers. So, why would a man and a woman risk that and have a baby? The biological ticking within the woman's loins? Are we that primitive that we're still following that?
I'm sure there are reasons deeper than practicality: love and shit. But, really, think about it. I'm going to have a baby just for it to enter a horrible world filled with horrible people where the baby will eventually grow, do something dumb, and get itself killed. Much to my disappointment and endless tears.
Why? Why do we do this? Why do we follow this pattern so strictly? I mean, have people ever heard of birth control? Yeah, people, it's a good thing. Ladies, you don't have to pop anything or anyone out if you use birth control.
But, then, there's the factor of "I want to get pregnant, and I was pregnant, but then I had a miscarriage". Are we really expected to put up with this crap? I mean, we're giving our bodies and hearts and actually going for it; but then some force of nature decides to spit in our faces and bring the dead fetus of our would-be baby spilling out of us far too early. Did I mention it's painful?
This is bogus, people. Way bogus.


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