Are you gonna be in my dreams tonight?

It’s guys like you
Who make the wait for dying
A little more worth living
In the midst of the din
The people who laugh
We laughed and danced
Though separate,
We were together
In a moment
In complete pleasure
Wishing, hoping, dying
For that one smile, that one touch
And in the tangle of our minds
That one smile shared
I found years of loneliness
Those shards cutting my feet
As I dance
And across the room
You stand under a light

Teasing me.

When I first saw you
My world shook and shifted
Moving my perspective in a way
That I would never forget
And I’ve tried to write
Dozens of poems to illustrate
How you make me feel with the
Effortless poetry in which you move
But I know I could never capture you
In a poem
Just as no photograph
Could ever do you justice
Never quite capturing
That specific way that you shine
When you see somebody that you love
When you find something interesting
Or funny
That look in your eye
When you look at me
The way your every movement
Makes me completely weak
Like there’s never been a miracle
Quite so miraculous
As there was that day
When I first saw you


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