So, when you're near me, darling, can you hear the S.O.S.?

For all those who have read my past blog and have worried, I am fine. Once again, I weathered the storm. I'll always get through it; I know that, now. I have a lot of really dark moments that can vary from shame to loneliness to suicidal depression. I think a lot more people in the world deal with this than I'm comfortable thinking about because it's a living hell to go through. Truly, this is the point of my blog: it's to show people that I am a fellow human who can hurt so badly emotionally that it occasionally hurts physically. I don't want anyone to feel like they are alone in that, so I share my experiences; however dark they may be.

Aside from that thought, I've been thinking about writing on a completely different topic for the past couple of days; and I think now is as good a time as ever. I want to share with you what my name means to me. I hope it helps uplift and change your mind if you don't like your name!
Well, my name is Virginia Anne Tefft. I've always been proud of such a solid name--not only because it sounds nice, but also because it means something so deep to me:

I got my first name from my dad's mother. Her name was Virginia Bonnet (maiden name), and she's turned out to be quite a, my eyes. She had a weak heart (something that's been passed down, actually), which made having children a high risk to her health. Regardless, she craved having a family to the point that she was willing to risk her life for one. She was so strong and so determined. She had three wonderful children (4, actually, though one died almost immediately after birth) before her heart couldn't take anymore. When my dad was 6 years old, she passed away from heart failure. I have so much regret that I never got to meet her because I know I would have liked her quite a bit.
What the name Virginia has taught me as I've learned my family's history is to never be afraid to take risks, fight for what I'm passionate about, and value family above all. She's actually someone I think of when I'm really down. She risked her life so that I could have mine, and that inspires me to my core.

I got my middle name from my mom's mother (Anne is her middle name, as well). There is so much I learn from my grandma every time I visit her. She is wise and has an uncanny ability to lay on the exact right advice right when you need it. I think my favorite part of Grandma Val, though, is her insistence in remaining playful even in her old age. She loves fast cars and can crack some great jokes. She's always awesome to have around because she can always find the humorous positive in practically every situation. Oh, and she can hold her own, too! She is not afraid to tackle someone if they've stolen her shoe or are just being annoying (I'm looking at you, Jon). Believe me, I've witnessed it.
So, what I learn from the name Anne all the time is to remain spirited and playful and to never take crap from anyone. Don't let time slow you down; instead, make time slow down for you so you can continue to go down slides with your great-grandchildren. Most of all, I've learned to prioritize spirituality in my life. My grandma is a devout member of the LDS faith. While I don't associate myself with that religion, anymore, I still value the experience of looking deeper into myself and into the world around me to see what magic I can stir up.

Lastly, Tefft is a name I've always been proud of simply because of the strong, amazing (however often annoying) men who I have the pleasure of being related to on my dad's side. Tefft men are gruff at times, but they're really all teddy bears. They also love to annoy and irritate on any level they can manage. Despite the obvious, I find it endearing; especially now that my baby brother has inherited the annoyance gene.

So, I hope everyone's having a good night--if not, I hope it gets better soon. I hope you enjoyed this little bloggy mcblog-blog.


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