So I run like the wind

It's a bit scary living in my head, sometimes. These days, I don't feel the downsides of my bipolar disorder as much because I'm medicated. That's a good thing because I don't get depressed hardly ever, which is a nice change. But, every now and then, I have really bad manic episodes. Tonight is a good example of that. You would think that being happy and hyper and gleeful is a good thing. For me, it's scary because my brain tends to take it too far. In a way, it's kind of like drinking too much and then feeling like you need to vomit. My head is spinning too much with smiles and giggles, right now. And I do feel a little bit like vomiting. I feel like I could spin out of control at any given point--like driving a car too fast and at any wrong jerk of the wheel, you could be dead. Only, with me, any slightly off remark could put me into full rage mode because that's part of my manic attacks. Really happy tends to turn really angry in a matter of moments. Like I said, it's scary to be in my head...especially on days like this. And the worst is not knowing how to escape. There's no cold shower for this type of problem. I just have to wait it out and hope I haven't created any lasting scars in the process...and this is why I call myself the lady hulk (That's my secret, Cap: I'm always angry).

I'm going to stop writing, now. Really.


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