Smile at the chance just to see you again

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted. I've been keeping pretty busy with the holiday season and everything. Anyway, this post isn't about the holiday season at all--in fact, it's quite the contrary, seeing as the holiday season always reminds me of how selfish and assholeish people can be.
No, the subject of this post is the thought I just had: it seems my capacity to love has grown quite a bit this year. I don't know what did it: perhaps living in a comfortable, relaxed situation; going through more intense pain, and therefore finding deeper love in me; actually opening my heart to those around me...maybe it's a bit of all. I find myself loving so many people around me--truly caring about their problems, wanting to help them, hoping the best for them. For example, my coworkers. I haven't known them that long, at all; but there is something in all of them that I absolutely love. I joke with them and try to make them laugh when they're stressed or upset, and I get to know them when we're free to talk. It's wonderful because people are so different in so many ways.
And then I know this family with whom I've completely fallen in love. When I'm around them, my face hurts from smiling and laughing so much. When I'm not around them, I wonder how they're doing and can't wait to see them again.
I've never been like this before. I feel selfish and ass-like saying it, but I've never really taken the time to focus my positive energy to the outside world. I love my family to death. I would do anything for them, and I always worry about them...but now, it feels like the whole world could be my family. Something inside of me has shifted to the point that I hardly recognize what's in my heart, anymore. There's so much love and laughter there. I wish I could explain it in a process-like situation so I could share how to make this happen; but, in all honesty, it happened completely by accident. I guess that's just what love is like, though, isn't it? It's never predictable, so you have to always be open to it rushing in when it feels like it.


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