We are.

Every time I watch V for Vendetta, I get something new out of it. It's what I like about the movie. This time, I saw it on a more personal level, not just government--though it is a good observation on the subject, however exaggerated it is.
No, this time, I saw myself in it. I was in bondage when I didn't realize that I was. I was letting life and unheartfelt beliefs guide me blindly into a life I didn't understand why I was living. I was so complacent with it taking over that I didn't think to find something new, even something better. But, then, I got the idea of a better life. A simple idea, which is what the movie is based off of--the power of an idea. The idea was that I was living something I was used to, and everything else outside was scary, so I embraced my chains. But, one day, I decided to pull against them. I eventually broke out of them. After that, there had to be some anarchy in my mind. I didn't understand where to go next. I didn't know what I wanted outside of those beliefs. In a way, I'm still in anarchy mode.
I've been looking at myself lately--literally. I've been looking in the mirror and asking who I am. What I look like on the inside is supposed to reflect what I look like on the outside. But I don't know what I'm supposed to look like on the outside because I have no idea who I am on the inside. It sounds a bit shallow, but every time I go shopping or think of a new haircut, I never know what to look for because I don't know what I'm comfortable in. What is me?
It isn't shown in the movie what the society does once they're free. I don't know what you do once you're free. I think that's why I've never been able to write happy endings because I always question what happens after the happy ending. How does it keep living as a happy ending? Obviously, I'm still working on a personal happy ending. I'll eventually find out, though. It's coming. I can feel it. It's like it's on the tip of my tongue, but I just can't find the right words to express it. But someday they'll be there and I'll learn what it's like to keeping a happy ending living.


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