The Autumn Blues: My Most Beautiful Memories

I got this song stuck in my head while sitting here at work. Upon listening to it, it nearly made me choke up because of the good memories behind it. I thought I'd share them with you, seeing as most of my posts seem negative these days. That's because a lot of my life is negative these days, but let's shed some light on the most beautiful of positive.
This song got very popular during September of last year. It was also during that time that I was busily studying for my last semester of school, living next door to my best friend and sister, and planning heavily for Halloween. It was a very good time in my life. I had a great roommate. The fall air settled around our apartment with such shimmering vigor that it was always a joy to come home (despite the lazy roommate who was always on the couch, no matter what time of day it was). By day, we would study hard and get our homework done, hardly ever eating. During the night, we would dance around the kitchen, make food, and laugh at our own obnoxious jokes.
On some of my more stress-filled days, Katrina (my sister) and I would go driving. This has got to be my favorite activity...ever. Ever....EVER. And it's required that I'm the passenger when this happens because I like to stare and dream, and from those dreams come wistful conversations of anything that may pop into our minds. We would be laughing our asses off one moment, then choking back tears the next, only to be raging angry at something in another. Those drives were filled with times in which we forgot time and loneliness and anxiety. We'd ride with the windows down and blare songs, singing to them at the tops of our lungs while speeding down one back road or another. This was one of our favorites to go nuts to. The wind always welcomed my waiting hand with gentle comfort. Those were moments I never wanted to leave. I regret I've left them as I sit here.
Around Halloween time, we used to drive around all the surrounding neighborhoods in order to check out the decorations. Naturally, this was my favorite unwinding activity. It gave me ideas for my decorating at home as well as future ideas for when I have a house of my own (if ever that happens).
How I miss open autumn Idaho air, smelling of hay and horses and cows. Big open spaces that still fill my heart and cause it to overflow with longing to return and never leave. The rushing of the river as we wandered haphazardly through the wilting trees. The looks on the faces of those on campus as we drove by singing and laughing and (on my part) cursing. Discovering sweet little ma-and-pop restaurants in the neighboring small towns, which smelled of history and fried food. The crunch of fallen leaves under our car's tires...and the feeling of being utterly, positively lost...ugh...I miss it.


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