Put on your best suit.

Eyelids flutter in soft sunlight
Half-awake hands hang, undisturbed
In this peaceful scene,
Her lasting smile stretches
Spreading up her cheeks
But loses its path
Near her dead eyes.
Feet curtain the doorway
As she pauses to ask if you like
Her necklace,
But winces at the bruises that never
Her story is romantic;
Her end is macabre.
She is dead.

The ghost of the stairway hang case
Tells me her suicide story
Every night before I sleep:
Before I slip into that too similar peace

And then one about another man who doesn't love me:

Silent tension pulls at the still air as our eyes meet
The twitch in the pleasure center of my brain gives me emotion
The emotion is delicious, and I pull at it
Like it’s a drag from a cigarette
My new drug, my new delightful drug
Skin to skin contact creates vibrations –
Shivers up my spine and butterflies in the stomach
I almost feel sick, but I’m too happy to be sick
Insecurities are a threat, but not a concern
I’m everywhere, but nowhere all at once
As I sit here
And contemplate


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