For those who seek.

I was talking with a friend tonight about the power of the mind (amongst other things), and I mentioned how we don't usually know our potential or power as human beings with working minds. So many times, people act like they are victims of every situation that they are in; but really, you're never a victim unless you let yourself be victimized.
I used to be very under confident; never thought I was a good or interesting person. I never had passion for something or conviction. About a year ago, though, I consciously made an effort to change myself into someone who was more confident in what she said and did and how she looked. In my brain, I transformed myself into someone who loved herself and  took care of herself--someone who others looked up to and are interested in. I kept that vision in my head and tried acting the way I felt that person would act. After so long of acting, it turned into habit, and then into reality. Now, regardless of my past under confidence, I'm someone I'm proud to be. I'm happy and comfortable with myself; and it was all done with my mind. There were no other outside forces that changed in my life--it was just my conscious choice to start anew.
I think people forget about this deep, personal power when they're faced with so many things that are out of their hands. They just focus on the things that they can't control, rather than on the things they can control: attitude, happiness, and peace of mind. Those are the three game changers in this life, along with determination, and we don't even think about them when everything's going down hill for us. We just sit and complain about how life has dealt us some bad cards. It's not the cards that's the problem; it's the brain that's attached to the hands holding them. There is always something positive to take from every situation: the challenge is to find that positive element and focus on it, forgetting the negative and letting it go (even if the positive in a given situation is that you're still alive and kicking--it's still something!).
I'm someone who is completely different than I used to be a couple years ago. There are certain decisions I have made to cause peace and happiness, and therefore love, to flow into my life. How I did it, I can't explain, except to say I changed my thinking. But, I would say that it was completely worth the headaches and mental hand-slaps as I worked on improving my attitude and image of myself. I would recommend it to everyone who is seeking the same thing: peace, happiness, and love.


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