I Never Thought...

I made a realization tonight that will hopefully turn me to the light of change. For the first time in a long time, I felt once more like I was being barred within a relationship-type-thing and could feel myself freaking out. I don't know what's wrong with that portion of my mind, anymore, but I do know that men turn me into a psychotic child who needs to be put in the daycare of hell. The thing is, I thought it was Robert who did that to me. I thought this was all over once I had broken off our engagement--I thought another man could never make me feel like a worthless, idiotic child again.
I was wrong, and I'll tell you why.
It's me. I'm the problem. It came to me like a punch in the face and a sting to the eye. It is painful information to digest that I'm the one who's causing all this chaos, not the guy I'm with. I guess it was just easier to blame Robert. Why the hell not, right?
But it's me. I'm the one who's overly passionate, so I take my feelings out on any guy I get comfortable with; and they can never handle it. It seems like every guy I've ever had an emotional connection with has accused me of this at least once.
This makes me question myself, of course. Will I ever find a man who will be strong enough to overlook this? Is there a way that I can calm it down without feeling completely shut up within myself? It's horrible to think that the answer to either of these questions could be no.


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