Bling Bling, Pow.

I've been working on a paper about feminism for my English 314 class; and I was reading the text in order to find some good quotes, when I stumbled across this quote:

"The very idea of womanhood is a storm of hair...with a greedy little mouth somewhere behind the mirage of beauty." -Friedrich Nietzsche

Now, I know that this guy was raised in a world where women were about equal to dogs--actually, probably a little lower in the food chain--but, after thinking about it for a second, I realized that a lot of guys I've encountered still worry about this quite a bit. It's actually more like they accuse women of this, rather than worry about it.
There are some women out there who are dying to take your money and love all gifts given without any form of shame or regret for your bank account. Nevertheless, I am not one of those girls, and I know a lot of girls who are like me. It's a little tiresome to feel like I'm a huge financial weight to a guy just because he's taking me on a date; or when he insists on paying, only to later act as if I'm the one forcing him to fork out all of this money.
I actually hate it when men spend money on me. Most of the time, I prefer when he's creative enough to think of something free or close to free to do together. A lot of the time, the free things are much more quality and fun than the expensive ones, anyway.
I've always been a worry wart when it comes to money, which is why I feel guilty when a man spends money on me. But it simply pisses me off when I start getting accusatory looks about midway through a relationship. I allow it to be the man's choice on whether he's going to pay or not--so, don't you dare give me that look that says, "You did this to me".
This was a thought I had on dating while reading that quote. There are reasons why it's the guy's place to pay on a date. Men should know them. Men shouldn't complain--if you're broke, find something less expensive to do...never, ever expect the woman to pay.

Also, it's never a mirage of beauty. We women are beautiful creatures, and you men had better get used to it.


  1. Amen! There was a devotional last month where the speaker called the guys out for not taking girls on dates. She told them to think of the money spent as an investment.

  2. Wow, that actually really pisses me off. What was wrong with her? An investment? REALLY?! I'm an investment? Ugh...


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