"Don't forget me," I beg.

I sometimes wonder if my lack of competitive spirit is a detriment to my dating life. I mean, there is a sense of wanting it enough to compete for it. I know that much. But that's gone from me, now. For some reason, I feel like it's going to land itself right in my lap without any work on my part. It's as if I believe a guy is going to go out on a limb to grab my attention.
Do I believe that?
I think I've just grown lazy (is that an oxymoron? is it more like deteriorate into laziness?) and tired. I'm tired of looking at the same man, just with a different face. They all think the same thoughts. They all share the same close-minded attitude--an attitude that shuts me out every time.
And I don't try harder for it. I don't try and convince these morons that I'm this perfect, sweet girl because I'm not competitive...or I choose to stay true to myself. Maybe it's maturity. I don't know about that. All I know is that I'm due for a good long make out session, and no man out here is willing (or worthy) to deliver.

But what do you think? Is there a certain amount of competition required to enter the dating scene at a healthy level? Can a person get anything accomplished in the dating world without the possession of any competitive skills? What say you?


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