I’m back…again!

Anytime I hear of a writer facing that ever-daunting writer’s block, the words ‘write what you know’ come to mind. My life is currently in a state of disarray; and, as a result, I’ve begun to feel restless in my general lack of direction. There are certain goals I’m looking to achieve this year, things that I’ll be taking action on soon, but I’m currently playing the waiting game to truly get started on those bigger goals. To keep myself busy and my mind in order, I’ve decided to reactivate three of my blogs. I’ve had so much on my mind since the start of the new year that I feel I need to cleanse the slate and get it all out.

On here, I intend to write about personal musings, music I enjoy, and new concepts I’m working my mind around. This will act as a type of journal for me, as this choice to blog is more for my sanity than it is for the readers, at this point. If you are reading this, I hope you enjoy my journey on here; and welcome!


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