
This week has been particularly hellish. Like, the type of hell where it didn't get a little bit better before it got worse. There was no time for breathing. It just got much, much worse all at once. Here's why:

At the beginning of this week, we were informed that we have to vacate the home that we're renting because our landlady has decided to flip the house instead of rent it out. A few days later, we got a final notice from the gas company telling us if we don't scrape $150 together within 48 hours, our hot water and heat will be taken away from us. And guess what? We can't afford ANY of this.

Now, let me shift tracks here for a second to my employment problems. Like most people, I fucking hate working, at least in the way we've been programmed to believe we ought to be comfortable with. I see the flaws in the system; how it's practically impossible to catch up or get ahead due to the corrupt greediness of the corporations that be. I don't want to buy into that, anymore, because I don't like to feel manipulated or deceived. I also have severe depression, a symptom of bipolar 2 disorder, which is unpredictable and also which I can't afford to treat because I can't get insurance, not for free or cheap, at least. And, on top of all that, is my seemingly complete inability to get a call back from any company I build up the courage to send a resume to. To summarize: I am poor. Like, really poor. Like, pathetically, desperately, considered killing myself on a daily basis kind of poor.

So, then, we get this shitty news about our home getting pulled right out from under us during a time that we can't even scramble hard enough to make the money required to pay deposits and first and last months' rent so we're not fucking homeless at the end of this month (Spoiler: we're most likely going to be homeless after this fucking month is through. Go us.). And to add insult to injury, we're additionally paying the price of being impoverished by having the "luxury" of our heat and hot water taken from us because we're so extremely behind on utilities payments. This is all because we haven't made enough, to begin with, even with T working a job fairly regularly for the last few years. And, what? He's supposed to go out and get a second job? A third? When does this fucking end?

Let me drive this point home, and then I'll be done. Stop punishing the poor for being poor, you mother fuckers. We just want to lead a semi-normal, peaceful life! Life that we've chosen because it makes us happy, not because it was dictated to us by an evil and corrupt system. Neither of us have done anything bad or wrong to deserve this type of treatment; however, we remain tortured, depressed, oppressed every goddamn day because we committed the crime of being poor. Right now, I'm here to say FUCK YOU ALL. Done.


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